Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why do cupcakes always look so yummy?

Cupcakes in ramekins
Originally uploaded by etjarrell
But sometimes don't taste that great? I made pumpkin muffins with honey cream cheese frosting. They taste okay but I think I need a different recipe for the muffins. These were a little weird but the frosting is good and I had fun decorating them!


Lauren said...

That is like the bane of my cupcake existence! With the teachings of your brother, I have learned to spot the gorgeous yet grody frosting, but no method yet to spot the icky cake.

I think you should work on a method for that!

Monica said...

Muffins aren't cupcakes! Even if they look pretty! As a cupcake lover, I can tell you with absolute certainty that that is like falling for the big bad wolf when he was pretending to be little red riding hood's grandmother!

I've definitely had over-frostinged cupcakes that look pretty but are just sooooo not worth it. Whole Foods suckered me in once.

One of my favorite cupcakes was from Starbucks. It was the Vanilla Sunshine cupcake. They don't make it anymore. :( So sad....

Emily said...

Maybe that's why they weren't that good. Because they were muffins! What is the difference between a muffin and a cake anyway?

Those Starbucks cupcakes were good. There is a place on Mass Ave called Sweet Cupcake that is really good. We should probably go and test it out.

Monica said...

Hmm... I don't know what makes a muffin a muffin and a cake a cake. Muffins are more dense maybe? And cupcakes are sweeter?

I'm definitely up for checking this cupcake place out! I didn't even know it existed!!! That seems so wrong!